Land surveyors using a total station. Our New York land surveyors can help you with your next project.
Over 75 Years of Experience
The team of licensed professional land surveyors at Scalice Land Surveying P.C. have over 75 years of experience between us, serving clients throughout Long Island, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and. We have assisted our clients in realizing their goals for a wide range of projects. We take pride in our work and are happy to help contribute to the growth of our community.
Types of Land Surveys Scalice Handles
We provide land surveying services in multiple states. There are a variety of land survey services that you may be interested in for your property. Our land surveyors provide a variety of services, including:
- Boundary surveys
- Topographic surveys
- FEMA Elevation Certificates
- Property corner staking
- Construction layouts
- Subdivision surveys
- ALTA/NSPS land title surveys
- Civil engineering
- Drone land surveying
Michael J. Scalice
Michael J. Scalice is a licensed land surveyor in the state of New York and a proud member of The New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors. Land Surveying has been his full-time occupation since 2000, but he started well before that, working summers with his grandfather, Richard C. Drake PLS.
Starting as a rodman, Michael worked his way through the ranks of surveying to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming a licensed professional New York State land surveyor. His vast experience includes Title Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, FEMA Elevation Certificates, Site Plans, Construction Layout, ALTA/NSPS Surveys, and GPS work.
Why Choose Scalice Land Surveying P.C.?
The Scalice Land Surveying team is able to complete land surveys in a shorter time frame because we utilize the latest in equipment/technology and are very diligent in our research practices. Our crews are experienced, professional, and efficient in each state’s regulations and requirements. Please contact us for pricing and appointments.
The Scalice Team
Multiple Survey Crews Working Across 6 States.
Our team of licensed professionals are here to help.
Clifford, PLS
NC Surveyor