Contact our team today! Get a free quote from our licensed NY state surveyors for an ALTA/NSPS land title survey.
What Is an ALTA Survey?

Surveyor equipment at a construction site. Our New York land surveyors can perform your next ALTA land title survey.
An ALTA survey is a boundary survey for Title Companies and/or Lenders for the issuing of title or mortgage insurance. The survey is to meet the minimum precision and detail requirements established jointly by the American Land Title Association (ATLA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).
Another organization involved is the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM). ALTA/ACSM surveys meet the highest standards of surveys and are part of due diligence when property is being transferred or refinanced.
ALTA specifies the data to be shown on the ALTA land survey and this includes boundary lines, location of the main building including improvements, location of ancillary buildings, and the identifications of easements (access rights by service companies such as water, gas, telephone, railways, and other utilities).
There is also the option to include other items such as underground utility location, height of building, square footage of the building and underground structures.
Issues that are commonly identified by an ALTA survey can include: differing legal descriptions, legal descriptions with mathematical discrepancies, unexpected easements/encroachments, boundary disputes, and zoning issues.
Who Orders an ALTA Survey?
The property owner is the one responsible for ordering an ALTA survey when one is necessary. If you are unsure if an ALTA survey is right for your situation or if another survey would do the trick, contact our team of New York land surveyors. We can discuss your survey needs, determine whether an ALTA survey is right for you and offer a free quote.
When Is an ALTA Survey Recommended or Required?
When dealing with commercial property, a Title Company/Lender may require you to perform an ALTA survey when a commercial property is being refinanced or exchanging hands. This is done to remove any “risks” such as encroachments, easements, and boundary line disputes.
When buying land, an ALTA survey might not be required but is definitely recommended. There is always a chance that a survey on vacant land is either non-existent or outdated. This comes with unforeseen boundary or encroachment issues that are unknown at the time of purchase. An ALTA survey will resolve any of these issues before you make a costly purchase.
How Long Does an ALTA Survey Take?
The length of time it takes to complete an ALTA survey can vary significantly depending on several factors. Every property is unique, and until a full assessment of your property has been completed, an accurate time frame cannot be established.
All New York land survey companies understand the challenges that can stretch out the length of time it takes to complete an ALTA land survey. However, with the latest technology and strong research our team will complete your ALTA survey as quickly as possible.
How Long Is an ALTA Survey Good For?
There is no set timeline for how long an ALTA land title survey remains valid. Generally speaking, anytime a change is made to your property any old surveys are rendered obsolete. Whenever an ALTA survey is required, the party that requested the survey will expect it to be accurate and up to date.
If you have not made any changes to your property since your last ALTA survey, you can ask the requesting party if the previous survey will suffice or if you need to have a new ALTA survey performed.
How Much Does an ALTA Survey Cost?
An ALTA survey cost varies depending on several factors. Some of these factors include size and uniqueness of the property, difficult terrain, property location, etc.
At Scalice Land Surveying we offer ALTA/NSPS surveys at an extremely competitive price and in a shorter time frame. We do this by utilizing the latest in equipment/technology. This allows our crews to have the best and most up to date information possible before they leave the office. It also gives our team the ability to pick up title problems quicker and more efficiently.
Over the years our surveyors have completed countless ALTA surveys and have an intricate knowledge of what the title company and real estate attorneys are looking for when closing on the property. Contact us for a free quote.