If you own a home or any sort of property in general, you might have a general consensus on what parts of the land are yours. Most people have an idea of what their boundaries are, but they usually don’t have any firm proof or know how to find their property lines.
Property boundaries are lines that legally prove what parts of the land are yours. These are important for a variety of reasons. If you’re unsure about your property boundaries and can’t find any concrete records, a licensed land surveyor can help you.
Why Are Property Boundaries Important?
Property boundaries are what separate your property from others around you. They are legal boundaries and can prevent any disputes from arising. Despite their importance, many people don’t know what their property boundaries are. There are several instances where knowing your property boundaries is essential.
When Would I Need to Know My Property Boundaries?
Homeowners don’t always think about the importance of knowing their property lines. But there are multiple scenarios where you should know your property boundaries.
When Transferring Property Ownership
You will need to know your property’s dimensions when applying for a mortgage or transferring title ownership. To complete this, you may need to hire a professional to conduct an ALTA survey. These are specific types of land surveys that meet requirements from the American Land Title Association (ALTA).
When a Property Line Dispute Occurs
Property line dispute lawsuits frequently happen throughout New York. These can be a chore to deal with, especially if you have an extremely aggressive neighbor. The best way to settle a property line dispute is to know precisely where your property boundaries begin and end.
With firmly defined boundaries, these disputes can get resolved quickly. And by staking property lines, you can prevent new conflicts from arising in the future.
When You Want to Buy or Sell Your Property
If you have a home or land, you want to sell or purchase, it’s best to define the property boundaries. Knowing the boundaries of the land you’re buying will help you know exactly what you’re purchasing and where its location is. In addition, providing potential buyers with a map of the property boundaries can help entice them to make a sound purchase.
When Doing Any Construction Work
If you’re trying to renovate your property with additions or construct new buildings, you’ll need to know where your property boundaries are. This is so you can avoid any encroachment issues. The last thing you want is to invest time and money into building a new addition to your home only to realize that it will encroach on someone else’s property line.
What Are Some Ways I Can Find Out My Property Boundaries?
If you’re engaged in a dispute, want to build on your lot, or are preparing to buy or sell real estate, you have options for discovering your property lines. You can find out your property boundaries in one of three ways:
Go to Your County Recorder’s Office
Your local county recorder’s office should have all of the public records regarding your property. You can access maps, reports, and other documents that help you define where your property boundaries are.
These days, many county recorders allow for access to this information online. So instead of going to the office or making an appointment, you can get them quickly and easily. You should be able to find all the information you need.
Contact the Previous Property Owner or Construction Company
If you purchased or inherited property and there are no public records, ask to see if the previous owner or builder has any information on the property boundaries. Most of the time, they may have a copy of a map or report outlining where the property lines are.
Get a Boundary Survey Done
A boundary survey is performed by a land surveyor. These types of professionals measure out your property and determine the location of your boundary lines. This is the best method to determining the scope of your plot.
If you need more specific information about your property, there are other types of surveys available. For example, a subdivision survey maps out a commercial property before dividing it into individual plots, and a topo survey defines your plot’s elevation levels.
If you are unsure of what type of land survey you need, reach out to a member of our team.
Do I Really Need a Land Surveyor to Find Out My Property Boundaries?
If you have exhausted every option to find your property boundaries, it’s time to hire a land surveyor. While you can technically survey the land yourself, nothing is official unless a licensed and certified surveyor evaluates and measures the property. Therefore, it’s best to leave your site layout survey to the professionals.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Land Surveyor?
How much it costs to hire a land surveyor to do a boundary survey depends on how big your property is and how much time it takes to compile all of the data recorded. Generally, boundary surveys aren’t that expensive because they’re the most basic survey to conduct.
You should expect to spend anywhere between $100 to $500 for a boundary survey on an average-sized property. There’s no real way to tell how much your survey will cost exactly until you first speak to an experienced land surveyor.
Talk to an Experienced Land Surveyor Today
The land surveyors at Scalice Land Surveying follow all the standards and guidelines set by the National Society of Professional Surveyors. So, if you need to know where your property boundaries are, don’t hesitate to get a free estimate for a boundary survey today.