Your land is important, and so is the deal or project that you’re planning. Whether you’re buying, building, getting insurance, or doing anything else, you need to know exactly what is on your property and any risks that come along with it.
A land survey in Chapel Hill from Scalice Land Surveying, P.C. can show you important information. Learn more about North Carolina land surveys and what type you might need. One of our professionals is available to answer your questions and give you a quote for free.
Do I Need a Land Survey?
There’s no state law requiring surveys or a one-size-fits-all rule as to when you need to get your land assessed. However, there are many situations in which someone will need you to provide a survey, or in which it’s important to have detailed information about your property.
You most likely should get a survey if one of the following is true:
- You’re buying or selling property
- You’re getting a mortgage or a loan for your property
- You’ve purchased a vacant plot of land
- You’re planning new construction
- You’re taking on a large landscaping or drainage project
- You’re buying flood insurance
In any of these circumstances, if you’re the current property owner and there is another party involved in your deal or project, you should check with them as to whether you need a survey and what kind you should get. If not, or if you have any questions about land surveys in Chapel Hill, you can talk to a professional from our company for free.
Surveys You Can Get in Chapel Hill
Not every survey shows you the same information. In fact, depending on your situation and your needs, there is a wide range of services that may be required. Common types of survey that may be appropriate for your situation include:
Boundary Survey
Boundary surveys are among the simplest types of surveys that you could get. They cover the basics about the boundary lines of your property and where your buildings are in relation to those lines. This shows any encroachments from neighboring properties and other legal issues you might run into in the future.
Boundary surveys can be applicable when you’re planning a new building or landscaping project. You don’t want to accidentally encroach on neighboring land and kick off a potential legal battle.
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey
If boundary surveys cover the basics, ALTA/NSPS land title surveys go above and beyond. This is the general choice for people who want a comprehensive view of what is on their land, its boundaries, and any risks they could be getting into. These land title surveys are also often necessary for title commitments from insurers.
ALTA/NSPS surveys are performed to meet the strict standards set by the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors. You can actually dictate what exactly is covered in this survey by filling out ALTA’s Table A for your surveyor before they get started.
FEMA Elevation Certificates
If you’re buying flood insurance for your property, chances are, you need to provide a FEMA elevation certificate to your insurer. In some cases, one of these might already exist for your land. You should contact any previous owners or construction companies that have worked on your property to see if they still have the certificate on file.
If they don’t, you can get one from a Chapel Hill land surveyor. These certificates show what parts of your buildings are vulnerable to flooding and what flood zone your land is in. A thorough survey can provide that information.
Who Pays for a Survey in North Carolina?
If you’re involved in a property sale, the buyer is usually responsible for paying for the survey. If you’re getting a loan, there’s a chance that the lender could be responsible for paying. If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to check with anyone else involved in your transaction.
Otherwise, you could be responsible for paying for your own survey. Thankfully, it won’t break the bank—surveys are generally affordable, and with the right company, you’ll always know what you’re paying and what it’ll get you.
How Much Your Survey Could Cost
There’s no universal price or average cost for a land survey. It all depends on what kind of survey you need, how difficult the job will be, and how large your land is. Simpler boundary surveys on smaller plots of land can be as inexpensive as a hundred dollars, while ALTA/NSPS surveys on larger properties could range into the thousands of dollars.
There is a reliable way to learn how much your survey could cost, though. You can get a free estimate from a surveyor from our company. A survey expert can look at the specifics of your situation, listen to what you need, and tell you how much you’re likely to pay for it.
Get a Free Quote on a Land Survey in Chapel Hill, NC
When you’re looking for someone to assess your property, you should look for someone who is clear and honest with you. You can talk to a Chapel Hill land surveyor from Scalice, P.C., for free to get a good idea of what we can do for you.
Call us or contact us online today for your FREE estimate on your next survey. A licensed surveyor in North Carolina can talk to you any day of the week.