When buying or selling anything, all parties involved need to know what exactly is being sold. Why should land be any different? By getting a survey for your property, you’re making sure that any buyer, lender, or contractor knows exactly what is on your land and what new developments on that land could mean.
Not all surveys are the same, though, nor are all surveyors. That’s why you need a Peekskill land surveyor who understands your needs and knows how to get the information you need.
Read more about land surveying in New York and what options you can choose. Once you’re ready to talk about your specific needs and how much you might have to pay, you can talk to a technician from Scalice Land Surveying.
What Does a Land Surveyor Do?
The short answer is that a land surveyor measures, evaluates, and analyzes a piece of land, and presents that analysis to you. There are a lot of details to each of those steps, though, and land surveyors have to meet rigorous requirements to be able to perform a survey.
There are also different types of surveys that land surveyors perform, depending on your needs, your land, and what you’re ordering a survey for. Different types of services that land surveyors perform include:
- Boundary surveys, which show the borders of your land and any improvements on those borders
- Topographic surveys, which give an overview of the elevation changes on your property
- Site plans, which show how features of the property interact with the land that they’re on and how future improvements may look
- ALTA/NSPS land title surveys, which give a comprehensive overview of boundaries, easements, and insurance risks
If you’re not sure what kind of land survey you need, you can talk to a professional from Scalice Land Surveying for free. One of our technicians can listen to your situation and advise you on what steps to take to understand your property.
When to Call a Land Surveyor
You know how to get in touch with a land surveyor, but you might not know when to get in touch with one. Different situations merit different surveys, so there is no exhaustive list of times to call a land surveyor. However, in general, you most likely should contact a survey company in the following situations:
- When you’re buying, selling, or refinancing your property
- When you are planning on starting a new project on your land
- When you’re redeveloping your property
- When you’re dividing a lot
- When you’re buying a vacant plot of land
- Any other time that a lender, buyer, or other party requests a survey
Technically, there is no expiration date on a survey that you might have obtained in the past. If you’re confident that a past survey is still completely accurate, then you may be able to use that, but be wary. Land changes more than you think, and past surveys may be outdated. Plus, your lender or buyer might need a new survey done anyway.
How to Find Your Land Survey in Peekskill
If you’ve had a survey done for your property, you can usually ask the company that conducted the survey for their results. They are required by New York law to keep your survey and any related records on file for six years.
If you’re buying a home or other property and need to see a survey, you may be able to find a recent one, the seller, their lender, or their title company may have the survey on file. You could also be able to ask your local tax assessor or the Peekskill Building Department.
Keep in mind, though, that if you access a survey from public records or other sources, the results could be outdated. Depending on what year the survey was conducted, it may be a better idea to get a new survey that shows you what is on the property now, not a decade or two ago.
How Much Does a Land Survey Cost in Peekskill?
How much your Peekskill land survey costs will differ from the price of any other person’s survey. That’s because every piece of land is different, and the different services that our company provides involve different things.
Factors that could affect the price of your land survey include:
- The size of your land
- How difficult the terrain of your land is
- Whether your property’s borders feature any vegetation or bodies of water
- How involved your survey is–simpler boundary surveys will cost less than more complicated ALTA surveys
The only way to truly understand what the price of your survey could be is to talk to a land surveyor in Peekskill. You can get a free quote from a technical expert from Scalice Land Surveying–our team will talk your survey over with you and be upfront with you about your estimate.
Get a Free Quote from a Land Surveyor in Peekskill
When looking for a surveyor to work on your property, you should be careful of technicians who are not efficient and honest. Some will try to drag out the survey process so they get paid more and do less work.
Peekskill land surveyors from Scalice, PC, are the reliable professionals that can get your survey done quickly and thoroughly. That’s because we’re a family-owned business that has been serving New Yorkers for over 13 years. We care about our clients, and we want to make sure you know what is on your property.
To get your FREE estimate, contact us online or call us today. Our technicians are on call to talk to you about what your options are.