There is important information about your property that you may not know. Whether you’re selling your land, getting a new mortgage, or building an improvement, you should have all the relevant information at your fingertips. You can get that with the help of a land surveyor in Greenburgh.
Read more about property surveys and how they can benefit you. If you have any questions or want to find out how much a survey will cost you, a member of our team can talk to you for free.
What Is the Difference Between a Land Survey and a Boundary Survey?
You may have heard both “boundary survey” and “land survey” used to describe different property evaluations. So which one do you get, a land or boundary survey? The answer is complicated, as the two aren’t necessarily different. Here’s what the terms mean:
Boundary Survey
A boundary survey measures the borders and property lines of an area. People usually order boundary surveys to understand where their land stops and a neighboring property begins, as well as any disputes between the two.
The main measure of a boundary survey is distance. When you get a boundary survey, it’s to understand the distance between points on your property and the area of your land.
Land Survey
The term “land survey” is actually an umbrella term that covers various types of surveys, including boundary surveys. Think of it as a square vs. a rectangle – a square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square. Similarly, a boundary survey is a land survey, but a land survey is not always a boundary survey.
There are other types of land surveys that measure things other than distance, and there are even land surveys that do what boundary surveys do, but better. Types of land surveys include:
- Boundary surveys
- Topographic surveys, which measure elevation
- Subdivision surveys, which divide your land into parcels
- ALTA/NSPS land title surveys, which measure distance, as well as other properties like easements, insurance risks, and more.
If someone else has requested that you get a survey for your property, they likely have a specific one in mind. If you’re not sure what survey you need, you can always talk to a professional land surveyor from Scalice Land Surveying. A member of our team can assess your situation and tell you what the best option is for you.
What Is the Most Accurate Way to Survey Land?
For decades, surveyors have been using laser technology to measure distances on pieces of land. Specifically, they use a technique called electronic distance measurement (EDM), which uses a laser in much the same way as one might use a tape measure.
When you see surveyors looking through a device towards someone holding a pole, chances are they are using EDM to measure distance. This technique is largely held as the standard, most accurate way to measure distance.
There are other things that surveyors need to measure, however, and to do that they need an arsenal of equipment and strategies to make sure they get the most accurate information possible. There is always a new technology or technique that improves the way we survey.
The engineers and technicians from Scalice Land Surveying have state-of-the-art equipment at their disposal and know how to accurately and efficiently survey your property. By doing the job right the first time, we can save you time and money and make sure that you have all the data you need.
How Surveyors Mark Boundary Lines
Sometimes, you may need to find your own boundary lines after a surveyor has finished your survey. Chances are, you can check with the company that completed your survey to see if they can give you a map of your property or tell you where to find your boundary markers. If that’s not the case or you want to avoid a phone call, there are most likely markers on your property.
Most boundary surveyors use metal markers to note the corners of a property–if you can find these, then you can usually figure out your boundary lines. These can be hard to see, though, so surveyors often place small flags at the point of these markers.
The best course of action if you aren’t sure where the boundaries of your property are, whether it’s because you have never gotten a survey or it’s been several years since your last one, is to get a new evaluation of your property’s boundaries. Lines can change and shift, and there may be new details that you aren’t aware of.
How Much does a Land Survey Cost in Greenburgh?
The price of any land survey will depend on specific factors, so no two surveys will cost the same. In general, surveys can range from $200 to $2,000, depending on your needs and your land. Some things that may affect the price of your land survey in Greenburgh include:
- The size of your land
- How difficult the terrain of your property is
- What type of survey you need
- How much preliminary research is needed
- How long it takes to complete the job
The only way to get an accurate estimate of your survey’s cost is to talk to a Greenburgh land surveyor and get a quote. Our company offers estimates for free – it costs nothing to talk to one of our professionals and get an idea of how much it could cost you to get an evaluation of your land.
Talk to a Land Surveyor in Greenburgh Today
No matter what you need a survey for or how large your property is, you deserve a surveyor who respects you and will do all it takes to get an accurate, thorough look at your property. The Greenburgh land surveyors at Scalice, P.C. have been serving New Yorkers for years, and we know how to get the job done quickly and accurately.
To get your FREE quote, call us or contact us online today. Someone from our company can talk to you about your needs and how we can meet them.