Land development is often incredibly expensive. Whether you are buying a new piece of land or developing property you already own, it is essential to do everything you can to protect your investment. One of the best ways to ensure that you use your money wisely is to hire a land surveyor.
If you’re in need of a land survey on Fire Island, the licensed, certified Robbins Rest land surveyors at Scalice Land Surveying can help. Our team is highly experienced and uses the latest technology to stay on the cutting edge of our industry.
Duties of a Land Surveyor
People are accustomed to seeing land surveyors out in the field. However, this is only a part of the work that surveyors perform. In addition to taking measurements at the property, land surveyors conduct extensive research into all available records about the land and the surrounding area.
Surveyors then gather all this information into a detailed and easily understandable land survey to present to their clients.
The specific information contained within a land survey depends upon what type of survey is performed. Information that is often found in land surveys includes:
- Details about the boundaries of the property
- Where buildings can be placed upon the land
- The topography of the area
- The location of utilities
- Environmental details
- Notice of any easements upon the land
Do I Need to Hire a Land Surveyor?
In some situations, hiring a land surveyor is not an option. Title companies and mortgage lenders routinely require land surveys for a variety of reasons. However, even if a land survey is not strictly necessary, it does not mean that it is not in your best interest to get one.
You may want to consider hiring a land surveyor in Robbins Rest whenever you are:
- Considering purchasing property
- Planning to develop your property
- Involved in a boundary dispute
Considering Purchasing Property
Anytime you purchase land, you want to make sure you are going into the deal with your eyes open. A land purchase is a significant investment, and buying property that you can not use in the manner you desire can be a terrible and costly realization. A land survey can give you all the details about a piece of property you need to make an informed purchase.
Planning to Develop Your Property
Before you begin a building project on your property, it can be useful to have all the relevant information about your land. There may be details about your property that change your plans for where to build. A land survey may help you avoid problems during construction that could derail your development altogether.
Involved in a Boundary Dispute
A boundary dispute with a neighbor can quickly become very contentious. Performing a boundary survey before you begin your project can prevent any problems from ever occurring. If it is too late for that, a land survey can help settle the dispute once and for all. If the situation has progressed to the courts, a boundary survey can be submitted as evidence at trial.
Land Surveyor Services
Our land surveyors in Robbins Rest are trained in performing a wide variety of land surveys. Some typical land surveys that you can request include:
- Boundary surveys: Boundary surveys are the most commonly conducted land surveys. These surveys are used to map out the boundaries of a piece of property.
- ALTA/NSPS surveys: These surveys are often requested by title companies and mortgage lenders.
- Topographic surveys: Topographic surveys are helpful in locating vertical features on a piece of land.
- Construction surveys: Construction surveys can help identify where you can build on a piece of property.
- Subdivision surveys: These surveys are essential when dividing a plot of land into separate parcels.
- Site-planning surveys: These surveys must be conducted when applying for a building permit.
- Location surveys: Location surveys are required when applying for a zoning permit.
A land surveyor can also help with other property-related services, such as staking your property corners or helping with a FEMA Elevation Certificate.
How Much Time Is Needed for a Land Survey?
Land surveys can not be slapped together quickly. There is a lot of work that goes into creating a detailed and accurate survey. Between gathering information onsite and through offsite research, it can easily take two weeks or more to complete a land survey.
The best thing you can do to speed along the process is hire a land surveyor as soon as you know that you will need one. The sooner they can get to work, the sooner your survey will be completed.
How Much does a Robbins Rest Land Surveyor Charge?
Trying to calculate the cost of a land survey without some basic information about your property is impossible. Before quoting you a price, a land surveyor will need to know:
- The size of the property
- The terrain
- Where the property is located
- The type of land survey you require
Contact a land surveyor in Robbins Rest today to get a free quote.
An Experienced Land Surveying Team in Robbins Rest
If you require a land survey, it is essential to find a surveyor you can trust. One tiny mistake on a land survey can result in an incredibly costly misadventure. At Scalice Land Surveying, we have a proven track record of providing our clients with accurate and detailed land surveys.
Once your land survey is complete, we can provide you with both a digital and a physical copy. Contact us to get a free quote from a licensed, certified Robbins Rest, NY, land surveyor today.