One of the most important things you can do when buying property or developing land that you own is to hire a land surveyor. A land surveyor can help uncover any potential problems with the property that could complicate your plans. They can also provide you with helpful information that can help guide you through your property development.
At Scalice Land Surveying, our team of experienced land surveyors in Baldwin, NY, continues to learn new techniques and employ the latest technology to provide our clients with detailed and accurate land surveys. We can help you understand how a piece of land can be used and keep you from making a bad investment.
How a Land Surveyor Can Help
A land surveyor will conduct a thorough survey of your property to gather all the data you need to make informed decisions about the usage of a piece of property.
They do this by visiting the property with professional surveying tools, taking measurements, and noting observations. In addition, they will conduct extensive research into your property, going through all the public records that relate to your land.
The specific information contained in a land survey will depend on the survey type. However, there are some details that can commonly be found in most land surveys. For example, your land survey will likely include information regarding:
- Your property’s boundaries
- The topography of your property
- Where any utilities are located
- Where you can build
- Any easements that might affect your options for the land
- Any environmental details that affect the property
When to Hire a Land Surveyor
Hiring a land surveyor is sometimes required by parties, such as mortgage lenders or title companies. However, even if a survey is not strictly required, it does not mean you should skip it. A land survey can potentially save you a lot of money and time in the long run.
Therefore, it is a good idea to consider hiring a land surveyor in Baldwin anytime you are:
- Considering a land purchase
- Planning to develop your property
- Involved in a boundary dispute
Considering a Land Purchase
When purchasing a piece of land, you want to ensure you aren’t throwing your money down the drain. A land survey can give you all the data you need to make an informed decision before you buy. You likely have big plans for the property you are interested in buying. It is essential to ensure that your goals align with the realities presented by the property you buy.
Planning to Develop Your Property
Before you begin a building project on your land, you might want to consider hiring a land surveyor. Discovering halfway through construction that you cannot complete your plans is not where you want to find yourself. Additionally, you may discover something about your property that makes you reconsider the best place for a new structure.
Involved in a Boundary Dispute
Conducting a boundary survey before buying a piece of land or beginning development can stop a boundary dispute before it begins. However, if you are already involved in a boundary dispute, a land survey can help settle the matter. In addition, if your boundary dispute progresses to court, a land survey can be submitted as evidence in your case.
Land Survey Services Available
A land surveyor can help you in a variety of ways. When in need of a land survey, you can discuss your needs with a surveyor, and they will help you figure out what type of survey is right for your situation. Some common land surveys include:
- Boundary surveys: These are the most common types of land surveys. Boundary surveys are used to map out the boundaries of a piece of land.
- ALTA/NSPS surveys: These surveys are often requested by mortgage lenders and title companies.
- Topographic surveys: Topographic surveys are used to locate vertical features on a piece of property.
- Construction surveys: Construction surveys help identify where you can build on a piece of land.
- Site-planning surveys: These surveys are necessary when applying for a building permit.
- Location surveys: Location surveys are needed when applying for a zoning permit.
- Subdivision surveys: These surveys are essential when dividing a piece of land into separate parcels.
A land surveyor can also help if you need other services like staking your property corners or helping with a FEMA Elevation Certificate.
Pricing for an Baldwin Land Survey
There is no way to accurately estimate the cost of a land survey without some specific information about your property, including:
- The type of survey needed
- The terrain of the property
- The size of the property
- Where your land is located
Talk to a Baldwin, NY, land surveyor to get a free quote for a survey of your property.
How Long does a Land Survey Take?
There is a lot of information needed for a complete and accurate land survey. First, a land survey must conduct a physical survey of your property with surveying equipment. Additionally, they must conduct extensive research into public records about your property and the surrounding land to gather all necessary information.
Unfortunately, this means that it does take some time to complete a land survey. It is not uncommon for a land survey to take two weeks or more to complete. Talk to a land surveyor as soon as you know you will need a survey of your property to avoid any additional delays.
Get a Free Quote for a Survey of Your Property
Even a tiny mistake on a land survey can lead to significant complications. Beginning a land development project without all the necessary information can end up costing you both time and money. At Scalice Land Surveying, we have a long history of providing our clients with detailed and accurate land surveys.
Once a land surveyor in Baldwin has completed your survey, we will provide you with both a physical and digital copy. Contact us today to get a free quote.