When it comes to investments in real estate, it is essential to do everything possible to avoid unwanted and costly complications. One of the best ways to protect yourself when buying or developing property is to hire a land surveyor. A land survey will give you all the information you need about a piece of land to make an informed decision about how to proceed with your plans.
If you require a land survey in Levittown, New York, Scalice Land Surveying can conduct a thorough survey of your property. Give us a call or fill out our online contact form to get a free quote.
What Kind of Information Does a Land Surveyor Gather?
Land surveyors can provide a wide variety of details about a piece of property. There are two main ways in which a land surveying company gathers this information.
They work out in the field, taking measurements and recording details about the property. Additionally, they search through various government documents and other records related to your property and the surrounding area.
The specific data that will be included in your land survey depends on the type of survey performed. Information commonly found in a variety of land surveys includes:
- Specifications about the property boundaries
- The location of any utilities
- The topography of the land
- Any easements on the property
- Environmental features
- Where you can build
Do I Need a Land Surveyor?
Sometimes, hiring a land surveyor for a development project is optional. Other times, it is required. For example, title companies and mortgage lenders require a land survey in many situations. However, even when a land survey is not strictly required, it is likely in your best interest to have one performed.
A land survey can uncover many potential problems with a piece of property. By having access to this information, you might be able to avoid investing money into a project that is doomed to failure. Therefore, you should seriously consider hiring a land surveyor whenever:
- Considering a land purchase
- Beginning a construction project
- Involved in a boundary dispute
Considering a Land Purchase
Everyone always talks about how investing in property is one of the best financial moves you can make. However, this isn’t the case if the property is not usable. By hiring a land surveyor before you buy, you can be sure that you don’t end up buying a piece of land that doesn’t fit your needs.
Beginning a Construction Project
The last thing you want when beginning a building project is to have to halt construction midway through and discover the project can not be completed as planned. A land survey can give you the information you need to avoid making a costly development mistake.
Involved in a Boundary Dispute
It is always best to avoid tension with your neighbors. Getting a land survey before you begin developing your land can help avoid a potential confrontation with your neighbor. If you are already involved in a boundary dispute, a land survey can help settle the matter. You can also submit a land survey as evidence in court if your neighbor has filed a lawsuit.
What Are the Different Types of Land Surveys?
There are many different types of land surveys that can be used in a variety of situations. A land surveyor can review your survey options and advise you on what kind of survey would best suit your situation. Standard land surveys include:
- Boundary Surveys: These are the most often conducted land surveys. Boundary surveys map out the boundaries of a piece of land.
- ALTA/NSPS Surveys: These surveys are frequently required by mortgage lenders and title companies.
- Topographic Surveys: Topographic surveys are used for locating vertical features on a property.
- Subdivision Surveys: These surveys are necessary when splitting a plot of land into separate parcels.
- Construction Surveys: Construction surveys are needed to help identify where you can build on a piece of property.
- Site-Planning Surveys: These surveys are required if you are applying for a building permit.
- Location Surveys: Location surveys are needed when applying for zoning permits.
In addition to conducting these various surveys, a land surveyor can perform other property-related services, such as staking your property corners or assisting with a FEMA Elevation Certificate.
When Will My Land Survey Be Completed?
A land survey requires extensive research and data gathering. In order to ensure that the information is accurate and that all necessary details are presented, it can easily take two weeks or longer to complete a land survey.
If you are in a hurry to get your project underway, the best thing you can do is hire a land surveyor as soon as you know that you will need one.
What Is the Cost of a Land Survey in Levittown?
There is no set price for a land survey. Instead, several factors are taken into consideration. Before a land surveyor can provide you with an estimate, they will first need some basic information, including:
- The location of your land
- The size of the property
- The terrain
- The type of survey needed
Reach out to a Levittown land surveyor for a free quote today.
Find a Levittown Land Surveying Company Today
When choosing a land surveyor, the two most important things to look for are experience and a history of customer satisfaction. At Scalice Land Surveying, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail in our surveys. We know that even a minor mistake can result in a significant financial disaster. We use the latest technology available to ensure that you get a high-quality survey.
We have a proven track record of providing our clients with highly detailed and accurate land surveys. Once your survey is completed, we can provide you with both a physical and digital copy. Contact us today to get a free quote.